Option Category #
Description This option will generate a complete description of the drivers in MAME in XML format. This XML list contains all the current driver information including driver status, required devices, rom information and other dependencies.

If you add a system name after the -listxml it will only tell you the information for that system. There is a wildcard option that will let you generate a list containing systems of certain names e.g. -listxml puck* will generate a list of systems starting with puck. If you want to direct the XML list to a text file then use this command mame64 -listxml >listxml.txt. Again, you can use this on a specific system by adding the system name after the -listxml.
Full Command -listxml <system|wildcard>
Alt. Command -lx
Reverse Command none
Example mame64 -listxml
mame.ini Command none
Command Default none
Argument Format <system|wildcard>