Analog devices used by systems may not react the same way as your physical hardware. This option lets you set how analog input devices are treated by a system which can help you get your devices to work better in MAME.
Here's a quick breakdown of the options...
Menu Option | Description |
<Controller> Digital Speed | This option is used if you are using a digital controller as an analog device. It sets the speed that MAME sends to the analog device. The higher the number, the quicker the movement. |
<Controller> Autocenter Speed | This option is also used if you are using a digital controller as an analog device. It sets the speed that MAME moves analog device back to it's center position on the selected axis. The higher the number, the quicker the movement. |
<Controller> Reverse | Reverse flips the selected axis of a controller so left becomes right, up becomes down etc... |
<Controller> Sensitivity | This option sets the sensitivity of the controller which is useful to speed or slow its responsivity. The higher the number, the more sensitive the controller is. 100 is the default sensitivity. |