
This tool is a tool to manage CHD images. This tool is particularly powerful as it will allow you to manipulate the files in a disk image directly. The details below come straight from the MAME documentation. To be honest, 99.9% of MAME users will never need to use this program.

Here's a quick summary of chdman's options...

Option Description
help Print a summary of the available options or, if option is given, a detailed list of the valid switches for the option.
info Displays information about a CHD
verify Verifies a CHD's integrity
createraw Create a raw CHD from the input file
createhd Create a hard disk CHD from the input file
createcd Deletes a file on the specified disk image.
createld Create a laserdisc CHD from the input file
extractraw Extract raw file from a CHD input file
extracthd Extract raw hard disk file from a CHD input file
extractcd Extract CD file from a CHD input file
extractld Extract laserdisc AVI from a CHD input file
copy Copy data from one CHD to another of the same type
addmeta Add metadata to the chd.
delmeta Remove metadata from the chd.
dumpmeta Dump metadata from the chd to standard output or to a file.
listtemplates List hard disk templates


Option Switches

Command Options Switches
help [option] Option to get details on.
info [options] --input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--verbose, -v                  : output additional information
verify [options] --input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputparent, -ip <filename>  : parent file name for input CHD
createraw [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--outputparent, -op <filename> : parent file name for output CHD
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputstartbyte, -isb <offset>: starting byte offset within the input
--inputstarthunk, -ish <offset>: starting hunk offset within the input
--inputbytes, -ib <length>     : effective length of input in bytes
--inputhunks, -ih <length>     : effective length of input in hunks
--hunksize, -hs <bytes>        : size of each hunk, in bytes (required)
--unitsize, -us <bytes>        : size of each unit, in bytes (required)
--compression, -c <none|type1[,type2[,...]]>    : which compression codecs to use (up to 4)
--numprocessors, -np <processors>               : limit the number of processors to use during compression
createhd [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--outputparent, -op <filename> : parent file name for output CHD
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputstartbyte, -isb <offset>: starting byte offset within the input
--inputstarthunk, -ish <offset>: starting hunk offset within the input
--inputbytes, -ib <length>     : effective length of input in bytes
--inputhunks, -ih <length>     : effective length of input in hunks
--hunksize, -hs <bytes>        : size of each hunk, in bytes (required)
--compression, -c <none|type1[,type2[,...]]>    : which compression codecs to use (up to 4)
--template, -tp: <id>          : use hard disk template (see listtemplates)
--ident, -id <filename>        : name of ident file to provide CHS information
--chs, -chs <cylinders,heads,sectors>           : specifies CHS values directly
--size, -s: <bytes>            : size of the output file
--sectorsize, -ss <bytes>      : size of each hard disk sector
--numprocessors, -np <processors>               : limit the number of processors to use during compression
createcd [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--outputparent, -op <filename> : parent file name for output CHD
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--hunksize, -hs <bytes>        : size of each hunk, in bytes (required)
--compression, -c <none|type1[,type2[,...]]>    : which compression codecs to use (up to 4)
--numprocessors, -np <processors>               : limit the number of processors to use during compression
createld [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--outputparent, -op <filename> : parent file name for output CHD
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputstartframe, -isf <offset>                : starting frame within the input
--inputframes, -if <length>    : effective length of input in frames
--hunksize, -hs <bytes>        : size of each hunk, in bytes (required)
--compression, -c <none|type1[,type2[,...]]>    : which compression codecs to use (up to 4)
--numprocessors, -np <processors>               : limit the number of processors to use during compression
extractraw [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputparent, -ip <filename>  : parent file name for input CHD
--inputstartbyte, -isb <offset>: starting byte offset within the input
--inputstarthunk, -ish <offset>: starting hunk offset within the input
--inputbytes, -ib <length>     : effective length of input in bytes
--inputhunks, -ih <length>     : effective length of input in hunks
extracthd [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputparent, -ip <filename>  : parent file name for input CHD
--inputstartbyte, -isb <offset>: starting byte offset within the input
--inputstarthunk, -ish <offset>: starting hunk offset within the input
--inputbytes, -ib <length>     : effective length of input in bytes
--inputhunks, -ih <length>     : effective length of input in hunks
extractcd [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--outputbin, -ob <filename>    : output file name for binary data
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputparent, -ip <filename>  : parent file name for input CHD
extractld [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputparent, -ip <filename>  : parent file name for input CHD
--inputstartframe, -isf <offset>                : starting frame within the input
--inputframes, -if <length>    : effective length of input in frames
copy [options] --output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--outputparent, -op <filename> : parent file name for output CHD
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--inputstartbyte, -isb <offset>: starting byte offset within the input
--inputstarthunk, -ish <offset>: starting hunk offset within the input
--inputbytes, -ib <length>     : effective length of input in bytes
--inputhunks, -ih <length>     : effective length of input in hunks
--hunksize, -hs <bytes>        : size of each hunk, in bytes (required)
--compression, -c <none|type1[,type2[,...]]>    : which compression codecs to use (up to 4)
--numprocessors, -np <processors>               : limit the number of processors to use during compression
addmeta [options] --input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--tag, -t <tag>                : 4-character tag for metadata (required)
--index, -ix <index>           : indexed instance of this metadata tag
--valuetext, -vt <text>        : text for the metadata
--valuefile, -vf <file>        : file containing data to add
--nochecksum, -nocs            : do not include this metadata information in the overall SHA-1
delmeta [options] --input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--tag, -t <tag>                : 4-character tag for metadata (required)
--index, -ix <index>           : indexed instance of this metadata tag
dumpmeta [options] --input, -i <filename>         : input file name (required)
--output, -o <filename>        : output file name (required)
--force, -f                    : force overwriting an existing file
--tag, -t <tag>                : 4-character tag for metadata (required)
--index, -ix <index>           : indexed instance of this metadata tag
listtemplates No Options



chdman extracthd -i hydro.chd -o hydro.img