EasyEmu News
EasyEmu News
EasyEmu News

22nd July 2020

A new link

Retroroms Image


June 23rd 2020

Calling All Alpha Testers!

MAME's Slot Menu

Simple FE

Here is an alpha version of a frontend that I have been working on for a few years. It's called Simple FE and is designed to be a fast, lightweight launcher for MAME. It is in a very alpha state and probably contains a load of bugs. Feedback can be given on the r/Mame subreddit.

Some Features...


Just extract the SFE.exe anywhere and when you run it, point it to you MAME executable, the program will do the rest. The program creates a folder called SFE_Data with two files in it called SFE.prefs and SFE.qld wherever you have placed it. These are text files and can be easily viewed.


SimpleFE v0.50a (32Bit)
SimpleFE v0.50a (64Bit)


May 6th 2020

Another update...


May 5th 2020

A couple more updates...


May 4th 2020

Happy Star Wars Day!

A couple of updates...


May 3rd 2020

I really liked the new design, but I decided that it was kind of hard to navigate, so I've had a tweak. Also, it's been a couple of years since the last update, so I've gone through every page and updated it's content. The Getting Started pages probably have more information about running MAME on them, than any other site I've seen. Here's some of the highlights of the update...


April 2nd 2018

So I noticed that the site was not tablet/mobile friendly. Nothing really scaled down very well, so I've made a few updates.


May 16th 2018

So... seven years is a long time between updates. A lot of things in life can get in the way of a hobby. Work, kids and family are just a few. I have had several attempts at reviving EasyEmu over the years, but could never build enough motivation to get anywhere. I've always had an idea of what I wanted to achieve, but hit brick wall after brick wall which prevented me getting the design I wanted. It wasn't until I found the W3 Schools and their ready made CSS files, that I found the system that could deliver my "vision".

Well it's been a year in the making and I've finally finished updating the MAME guide here on EasyEmu. As you can see, I have completely re-designed the site... again! I hope that you guys find it easier to follow than the old site. What you may also have noticed is that all the other guides have gone. Honestly, having a guide for Visualboy was kind of a waste of time. The only guide that I might bring back is the CLRMAME guide but it needs a lot of work to get it up to date.

So what's new...

...and probably a load of stuff I've forgotten.

Goodbye Old Friend!

Goodbye Old Friend!


March 2017

Sometimes it takes a bit of inspiration to get back into maintaining a web site... Let the re-write begin!


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